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Do Lucky Numbers Exist?

Many people are very superstitious and for good reason, as sometimes there seems to be no logical explanation for why you're so lucky (or unlucky) or why certain numbers come up over and over again. Statisticians would tell you that it's simply math, and that flipping a coin ten times and getting heads all ten times is completely logical and something that happens every day, somewhere out there in the great wide world.

But the reality is that some people truly are lucky, and in some cases have their own personal lucky numbers. Several lotto players have won the lottery multiple times using the same numbers, so it's difficult to argue that those numbers aren't lucky for them, even if there's no scientific reason or proof to point to. Chalking it up to luck is as good as any explanation, and there actually is some basis to support a player being lucky, especially when gambling in a casino.

Most players simply won't play enough hands to generate a large enough sample size to prove anything definitive, when it comes to whether they're lucky or unlucky at blackjack, craps, roulette, or slots. While the odds and the house advantage may hold true over one million hands of blackjack (with the player likely to show a small loss of 1-5% of whatever they wagered), those stats go out the window in the short run, as a player could easily win ten hands in a row, or have a lucky weekend where every time they sat at the blackjack table they doubled or tripled their money.

This is true for online casino players as well, as some simply are luckier than others, or win much more on one site as compared to another. While a casino bonus can add to profits for online players, sometimes the real difference between a big win or a big loss is simply in the stars, and more a matter of fate than strategy. Whatever you believe, in the end the real point is to enjoy yourself, so if you believe in the power of certain numbers to bring you success and get a big thrill when they pay off, more power to you, as enjoying yourself is the real measure of success.

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