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Tarot Reading
By Neera sarin

Tarot has survived for seven hundred years as one of the western world�s most important bodies of mystical knowledge. More than a device for divination, it provides a key to understanding universal truths and shows the way to enlightenment. It gives an insight into our own selves.

 In recent years, its popularity has grown steadily and today the tarot is our most used form of divination.

What all magic the tarot cards can create �

They serve as subjects for meditation and contemplation. Select a card randomly from the deck and meditate. For instance, the strength card can help you develop resistance, perseverance and the power to overcome obstacles.

They are used as healing tools. Select a card from the deck and establish connectivity with it by keeping the card in-between the palms. For example, the empress card would balance the sacral charka and heal any problems related to hormonal imbalance, fertility, and discomfort in and around the sacral charka i.e. the lower abdomen.

Through the cards one can also bring about a balance in the elements of the body. Which element is in excess and which is depleted-(air, water, fire, earth). This can be worked upon thereby harmonizing the body elements and the environment.

 Visualizing the goal and manifesting it is also very successfully done through the tarot cards. When casting each spell, meditate on the card itself and picture exactly what you hope to accomplish.

Card No. IV: The Emperor.

Hebrew path: Heth.

Ruling sign: Aries.

Description � The bearded emperor sitting on a throne seems to have an unquestionable sense of authority. He holds a globe of domination in his left hand. Ram�s heads adorn his throne, which is a symbol of mars, god of war.

Interpretation � This card represents the masculine principle, the archetype of authority fatherhood and leadership. The person seems to be too forceful and stubborn, always wanting everything his own way. The emperor is symbolic of a dynamic force, energy channeled into making ideas solid and workable.

In Tarot Reading the emperor points to material success and stability. He stands for authority, ambition and worldly gain or achievement. This card also suggests that through self-discipline and determination you will achieve your ambitions or goals. The emperor reminds that structure, organization and the rulebook will get you the best results.

Reverse Meaning � You are weak and lack authority. You do not take responsibility for your actions and display little ability to foresee future outcomes.

Lesson learnt � True leadership requires a balanced outlook. The leadership should draw on a broader, holistic vision and take heed of the needs of others.


Hebrew path: van � ruling sign � Taurus

Description � The Hierophant is a spiritual leader on earth. He sits on a throne between two stone pillars. Two monks kneel before him, their garments decorated with white lilies representing pure abstract thought and red roses representing passion and desire. Between them are crossed keys � one of gold representing the sun (male) and the other of silver, representing the moon (female).

Interpretation � The Hierophant represents the urge to find spiritual meaning in life; he is the guide, the mentor and is clearer and more direct in his teachings.

In a Tarot Reading � this card suggests to take assistance from a wise or helpful person as well as guidance on spiritual matters and the need to find spiritual meaning in life. It also suggests that you are not receptive to change and may have a tendency to be dogmatic and stubborn.

Reverse meaning � You are open to new ideas and are not afraid to take risks. You are unorthodox in your beliefs. Take care not to resort to superstition as a spiritual alternative.

Lesson learnt � Don�t be afraid to be unconventional if your spiritual inclination takes you in a challenging new direction.

Interesting note �

1) In your tarot journal write down five ways in which you are able to demonstrate you�re powers of leadership or positive decision making.

2) How willing are you to forgive others. Think of a time in your life when you were called upon to forgive somebody who had betrayed or disappointed you. How easily were you able to forgive this person? Rate your capacity for forgiveness on a scale of one to ten.

Neera sarin
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