Patient care skills with a broad range of expertise in surgery and medical practices gained via exemplary loyal service and rapid progression. Get in touch with me for your health issues.
{"UserId":"87092","EProfileId":"176","scat":11215,"ScreenName":"Dr. Rashmi Arora","ScreenNameForURL":null,"EmailAddress":"","UserType":"","BriefDescription":"Patient care skills with a broad range of expertise in surgery and medical practices gained via exemplary loyal service and rapid progression. Get in touch with me for your health issues.","Degrees":"Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS), BHU (1973)
\r\nMBA (HCA), Delhi University (1988)
\r\nBSc, Delhi University (1969)\r\n","Experience":"EMPLOYEES STATE CORPORATION, as Medical Officer (14 years)
\r\nEMPLOYEES STATE INSUERANCE CORPORATION, as Medical Officer In charge (15 years)
\r\nESI HOSPITAL, RANCHI, as Medical Superintendent (10 months)\r\n
\r\nAs Medical Commissioner of MADHYA PRADESH& CHHATISGARGH (3 years)\r\n
\r\nCENTRAL STORES, DELHI, as Store Manager (1 year)\r\n
\r\nLADY HARDING MEDICAL COLLEGE, as House Surgeon (6 months)\r\n
\r\nKALA WATI SARAN HOSPITAL, as House Surgeon (6 months)\r\n","DetailedDescription":"
Career Synopsis:\r\n- Self-motivated professional with consistent record of achievements, performing a variety of advanced medical administration duties.
\r\n- Experience in management of occupational diseases, development program, hospital management, medical store & health centre management.
\r\n- Attended Core Managerial Skill organized by Liba, Chennai.
\r\n- Ability to manage the effective implementation of medical interventions and treatment designed to enhance the operation and quality of medical services and evaluating through medical governance.
\r\n- Sound ability to identify complex problems and reviewing related information to develop & evaluate options and implement solutions.
\r\n- Strong educational background and patient care skills with a broad range of expertise in surgery and medical practices gained both academically and via exemplary loyal service and rapid progression.
\r\n- Expert presentation, negotiation, consultative and communication skills with keen abilities in planning, goal setting, strategy implementation and follow-up.
My Ares of of Expertise:\r\n\r\n- Client Servicing
\r\n- Clinical Administration
\r\n- Hospital administration
\r\n- Organizational Management
\r\n- Disaster Management
\r\n- Documentation
\r\n- Planning & Organizing
\r\n- Clinical & Revenue Data Management
\r\n- Quality Management Systems
\r\n- Training/ Teaching & Development