Mind Power Workshop, for the overall improvement of the quality of the person along with motivation for life and success on all levels.
Certified Hypnotherapist
conducting programs on mind power since december 2012, counselling with Tarot since May 2008, Programs with Tarot Teaching since Sept 2010, Programs with Kundalini Shaktipat since june 2012.
With Techniques and Meditations to improve and enhance your Mind Power.
Mind is connected to your physical body and subtle spirit and thus a powerful tool for bringing overall improvement in life. Your spirit knows the deep secrets of the universe to manifest anything and everything you want; but we cannot bring direct connection with our spirit as we are too much into 'materialistic world'. Your mind is connected to your spirit which can help bring/send information to the spiritual world for manifesting things that you want in your life.
This three day program has techniques and meditations that will first help you to get rid of limiting beliefs and thoughts that are negative in nature and are nagging your progress. And also learn a powerful technique to manifesting your dreams into reality, along with knowing in-detail about how to use the procedure with 100% efficiency.
And finally learn a technique to enhance your mind power, that will help you throughout your life to move ahead physically, mentally and spiritually.
{"UserId":"89801","EProfileId":"1054","scat":11232,"ScreenName":"priti_wonder","ScreenNameForURL":null,"EmailAddress":"","UserType":"","BriefDescription":"Mind Power Workshop, for the overall improvement of the quality of the person along with motivation for life and success on all levels.","Degrees":"Certified Hypnotherapist","Experience":"conducting programs on mind power since december 2012, counselling with Tarot since May 2008, Programs with Tarot Teaching since Sept 2010, Programs with Kundalini Shaktipat since june 2012. ","DetailedDescription":"With Techniques and Meditations to improve and enhance your Mind Power.
Mind is connected to your physical body and subtle spirit and thus a powerful tool for bringing overall improvement in life. Your spirit knows the deep secrets of the universe to manifest anything and everything you want; but we cannot bring direct connection with our spirit as we are too much into 'materialistic world'. Your mind is connected to your spirit which can help bring/send information to the spiritual world for manifesting things that you want in your life.
This three day program has techniques and meditations that will first help you to get rid of limiting beliefs and thoughts that are negative in nature and are nagging your progress. And also learn a powerful technique to manifesting your dreams into reality, along with knowing in-detail about how to use the procedure with 100% efficiency.
And finally learn a technique to enhance your mind power, that will help you throughout your life to move ahead physically, mentally and spiritually.