I have 23 years of experience with my subject in teaching (Theory and Practical), solutions (Text book, board papers, sample papers), work sheets.
B.Sc (Maths)
25 years
Lead and manage the Content Development process for Educomp - Smartclass, Classroom Transformation Systems (CTS), K-12, segment, Mathematics
Streamline content development processes and related technologies. Lead, designed and developed Digital mathematic Lab - Mentor – for Levels 1-12, a digital learning initiative at Educomp. It is an English Learning Programme that guides or mentors learners to acquire meaningful proficiency in English. It requires only very limited intervention by a teacher in person. Rather, it is designed as a self exploratory learning programme for learners and the programme’s mentorship role stems from its sound pedagogic design and perhaps, the most innovative use of technology in a language learning programme. It will empower learners to become competent and confident subject of maths.
{"UserId":"92520","EProfileId":"2232","scat":11347,"ScreenName":"Satvinder sir_77","ScreenNameForURL":null,"EmailAddress":"","UserType":"","BriefDescription":"I have 23 years of experience with my subject in teaching (Theory and Practical), solutions (Text book, board papers, sample papers), work sheets.","Degrees":"B.Sc (Maths)","Experience":"25 years","DetailedDescription":"Lead and manage the Content Development process for Educomp - Smartclass, Classroom Transformation Systems (CTS), K-12, segment, Mathematics
Streamline content development processes and related technologies. Lead, designed and developed Digital mathematic Lab - Mentor – for Levels 1-12, a digital learning initiative at Educomp. It is an English Learning Programme that guides or mentors learners to acquire meaningful proficiency in English. It requires only very limited intervention by a teacher in person. Rather, it is designed as a self exploratory learning programme for learners and the programme’s mentorship role stems from its sound pedagogic design and perhaps, the most innovative use of technology in a language learning programme. It will empower learners to become competent and confident subject of maths.