Lohri Girls Song

Festivals > Sikh Festivals > Lohri > Lohri Songs > Lohri Girls Song

In Panjabi

“Hulle nee maiyee hulle
do beri patte jhulle
do jhul payeaan kahjurran
khajurran suttya meva
es munde de ghar mangeva
es munde di voti nikdi
oh! khandi choori, kutdi
Kut! Kut! Bharaya thaal
woti bave nananaa nal
Ninaan te wadi parjaee
So kudma de ghar aayee!
mein lohri lain aayee!”


English Translation

“Two berry leaves are hanging
Two date leaves are also hanging
The tree shed the fruit
There’s an engagement in this boy’s house
This boy’s wife is short
She eats and grinds choori(a punjabi dish)
She grinds and grinds and fills the plate?
the wife sits with her sisters in law
Sister in law and the elder son’s wife
Are in their in-laws house
I have come to take my Lohri ”