Share the joy of Hanukkah

Festivals > Jewish Festivals > Hanukkah > Share the joy of Hanukkah

Cook a special Hanukkah dinner to share with your family and friends. Potato pancakes, called latkes, are a traditional food to serve during Hanukkah. They are usually served with applesauce and sour cream.

Light the menorah and say the blessings together as a family. Spending time together is one of the most generous things a person can do for his loved ones. Give your family gifts you have bought or made. Gift giving usually takes place after lighting the menorah.

Play the dreidel game together using chocolate gelt. Spending time together having fun can be one of the best gifts in itself. Be kind to one another. This can be especially hard for young siblings sometimes. Parents can model the behavior they want their kids to adopt.

Offer to do a chore or errand for a neighbor who may need help. In many areas of the country, Hanukkah and snow arrive at the same time. Show your generosity by shovelling your neighbor's driveway.

Help serve meals at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen. Spending time helping others who are less fortunate may help you appreciate what you have in your own life.

Donate a toy or game to a child who needs it. There are many organizations that collect new toys during the holidays to distribute to children who will otherwise not receive holiday gifts. This can be an important way for your own child to show generosity.